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Major News Updates • March 17th, 2023

First of all, before I get into the nitty gritty of the updates, I just wanted to say happy St. Patrick's Day to those that celebrate it, and a happy Ostara to you as well.

Now that that's out of the way, I want to give a warm welcome to the newest member of the 7otus Pod: Maverick, aka DandelionMoths! He's an outstanding artist and content creator that mainly works with digital art commissions, and though he's fairly newer to the friend circle I'm proud to welcome him in with open arms. His new page can be found in the Affiliates menu in the header, and don't forget to support him with giving him a follow or two if you're inclined to do so.

Secondly, I wanted to take the time to also help promote another Affiliate on the site: Catty the Art Cat. She has been my best friend since 2015-2016 and I wanted to stop and take some time to appreciate her as well. She's not currently doing commissions at the moment (as far as I'm aware), but any kind of positive interactions on social media or any kinds of donations are always welcomed with gratitude. You can find her Affiliate page and social media information in the header menu as well.

I know this isn't much of an update aside from the newest YouTube upload that I've made, but I don't want to hog the attention from others that deserve it more. With that said: you're always more than welcome to fill in an application to be an Affiliate; some of the perks include being able to promote your content in the 7otus Pod Discord server as well as having your own page on the site. It's 100% free, no gimmicks or catches or "pay now to get access" kind of bullshit. You just have to be able to meet the requirements listed on the application page.

I think that's all for this one, be safe out there.


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© Imperfect 7otus Productions 2022

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