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June Update: Pruning and Renovation

Updated: Aug 19, 2023

Goo morning to all the guys, gals, and nonbinary pals out there. There have been some notable changes to the website, the most notable elephant in the room being that my commissions are now available for purchase straight through this website rather than the previous Google Form. Furthermore, there is a new updated and in depth terms of service page as well as a list of the art commissions that I sell. Be on the look out for more styles that you can buy, and don't forget about that giant discount button in the middle of the screen on the shop's page.

More updates are soon to follow, there's going to be some fixing and updating on some of the other affiliate pages as well as a potential new affiliate hopping on board. With all of this out of the way, I'm hopeful for the future of this website as well as this community, and I couldn't do it without everyone's support over the years. Thank you for being here to help boost up all of the small creators here, not just myself.

- Denny Pariseau


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